October is Texas Wine Month!
October is Texas Wine Month!

2023 Spring & Summer Pairing Guide

It is always a pleasure to select the collection of wines that are perfectly fitting for Springtime – floral, aromatic, and fresh – and the most refreshing sips for Summertime. As always, each wine in our collection was crafted in order to express the natural flavors of Texas, which can lead to an explosively satisfying combination with just the right food to pair alongside! Since the grape varieties being used here in our state come from classical regions around the world, they have classic food pairings that we can draw from. It is our adaptation to these classic recommendations that will make for truly unique, local food and wine pairings. Here are some of our favorites: 


The NEW William Chris 2022 Mary Ruth

William Chris' 2020 Moonlight Vineyard Blend

Lost Draw's newly released 2022 Picpoul Blanc

and their 2021 Uplift Blanc (last chance to get)

and Sway Rosé 


This collection has it all...from fun and floral dry white wines, to a chill-able red wine that gives you smokey and mouthwatering all in one glass, to surprisingly tasty bone-dry rosé from the great state of Texas.

Get all of these wines at the LINK here, plus a couple of limited BONUS items!




A VERY special thank you to the Hill Country Bon Vivant for her table stylings, culinary expertise, and generosity in collaboration with this year's Spring & Summer Pairing Guide by William Chris Wine Co. Thank you JeriLynne!


Now, taste and discover these wines along with us as we create lively local pairings that highlight the wines in this year's Seasonal Pairing Pack!




William Chris’ newest Mary Ruth release was harvested from the sweltering heat of the year 2022. For such warmth to birth a wine of such delicacy is truly ironic as we use that very same wine to stay refreshed and cool this coming summer! To boost the light body of this wine up, and to complement its classic bright, floral aromatics and tropical character, we’d go straight to the garden. This wine mirrors the feeling of that satisfying and cooling crunch that a snap pea or the perfect carrot gives, so pull out your best leafy greens, pods, and herbs, season generously with salt, and roast, purée, or toss away. Pairing Mary Ruth (a dry blend of Muscat, Malvasia, Blanc du Bois, and Sauvignon Blanc) with a chilled Spring Pea Soup will show off the wine's playful aromatics, boost the light body up by pairing it with a dish that has viscosity, and will positively explode the wide array of fruit flavors in this wine!



Get JeriLynne's incredible Spring Pea Soup recipe with the Spring Pairing Pack. Perfectly paired with a chilled glass of Mary Ruth!



From Lost Draw also comes our newest release of the 2022 Picpoul Blanc, the refreshing summer sipper that pairs to food like a lemon does to oysters. This year left us with Picpoul grapes that are as powerfully floral as they are mouth-puckeringly tart, making them the perfect wine with a delicate piece of seared fresh fish. To tone down the tart character of this wine, and to unlock the treasure trove of fruitiness beneath, choose a squeeze of citrus or a vinegar-based sauce to finish your dish will. The sourness will make the wine no longer seem so tart - like magic!





This red wine from our collection is one that is perfect for the Summer, amidst a sea of refreshing white wines and rosés. The 2020 Moonlight Vineyard Blend is a combination of the savory Mourvèdre variety and the light and fruity Cinsaut grape. Just change the temperature that this wine is served at to achieve your desired effect, and pair it with a range of foods to do just the same. Chill this down like a rosé and the wine will show its flirtier, fruitier side, and at room temperature the smokey earth tones of the wine will emerge. When chilled, a combination of tart and salt will make this wine a satisfying concoction! Try bruschetta, salted watermelon, prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe, or a flavorful tuna tataki with citrus and soy, and watch as the full complexity of this cool wine is unearthed. 





The 2021 Uplift Blanc from Lost Draw’s collection takes a completely different food pairing approach than any of the light, bright wines before. Also a dry white blend, the grapes that make up this one include richer varieties such as Viognier, Roussanne, and Marsanne. A wine this indulgent has the unique ability to pair with both spicy and sweet dishes, which will make the food seem more alive and DSCF8729 (1)exciting, and the wine taste leaner and crisper. We like to choose a straightforward dish that is high in umami, such as a meatball or lamb lollipop, and use a jus or cream sauce with sweet spice in it to highlight and change the wine’s complex character.


JeriLynne's award-winning Pork Meatball with Jalapeacheño jam recipe is the PERFECT concoction for this very special wine - juicy enough to stand up to a wine with full body, fruity enough to handle a little 'kick' of jalapeño, and all around delicious! Get this recipe AND a jar of Jalapeacheño jam in our Spring Pairing Pack so you can enjoy the full experience.




Sway rosé is primed for food and wine pairing, particularly because rosé and sparkling wine styles are often referred to as ‘universal’ pairing wines, and Sway is a combination of both! Nicely dry, refreshing and effervescent, this wine should be expected to pair with any occasion. This blend will be a great counterpoint to smokey barbecue, will match the saltiness of fresh Gulf oysters, and vary along a range of charcuterie and cheeses. Perhaps the greatest aspect of this wine is not its ability to pair with anything and everything, but the accessibility it has to the places that other wines dare not go. Sealed in a can, this wine was made for the river, the lake, the pool, and your friend's boat.

Therefore, we dare you to pair this one with our favorite - a bag of sour cream and onion chips!






STYLING and plating BY jerilynne




Dave Capote - YouTube



Photography by Dave Capote