October is Texas Wine Month!
October is Texas Wine Month!

It's Fall Season Food & Wine!

Since Autumn is such an aroma-filled and food-centric time of year, choosing the right wines is of extra important consideration! We need to prepare ourselves with an array of wines that are packed full of flavor, all of which are at optimal drinking time, and that will ultimately be food-friendly for the big holidays coming up. Since there are just some wines that speak to the season, we are prepared to recommend a complete selection of wines that will meet the lofty challenge of pairing to Fall-time fare.



2022 Sauvignon Blanc, Dell Valley Vineyard –

Start the day off right!

Amongst the William Chris Vineyards' selection of wines, there is no more generous white wine than the 2022 Sauvignon Blanc Dell Valley Vineyard; a vineyard out in far West Texas - near to El Paso! Some of our most powerful fruit is grown out of incredibly dry conditions, and this intense wine was aged in neutral oak barrels to help each grape express its full potential. This is a rich and fruity white wine to lightly chill, and even decant if you're inclined to open up the aromas of almond, cedar, cream, and butter.



To compliment and ‘pop’ this wine’s fruity side, pair it with a rich squash or pumpkin-based dish such as a pumpkin risotto. Make sure to top with a little salt, which is an important part of what makes this food and wine pairing magical! On the big day, put this wine next to your gourds, starches, and rice dishes with seasoning.

Our recommendation

Try an Autumn play on ratatouille, complete with parsnip, butternut squash, sweet potato, and turnip cooked with spices like cumin, paprika, garlic, and rosemary. You can even deglaze your pan with the white wine for an extra little 'something'! 



2021 La Pradera Vineyard Blend -


For those who have Beaujolais on the table every Thanksgiving, try this Texas wine on for size this year! The 2021 La Pradera Vineyard Blend is a punchy and dry-but-oh-so-fruity wine that is suitable for lightly chilling, if that’s your style.


What is so great about this kind of wine is that it pairs with sweet and citrus flavors in a dish as well as savory and vegetables. This is the wine that will pair with every single dish, from cornbread to green beans, but it will particularly shine with a bite of turkey and tart cranberry! Start your dining table off by passing around this wine. As everyone samples each dish on the table to get a good judge of the spread, the 2021 La Pradera Blend will be that encouraging counterpart to keep on going!

Our recommendation

An option that includes all of the Thanksgiving day flavors is a savory “leftovers” turkey pot pie. Take a plate and your "leftover" 2021 La Pradera Blend (plus that final spoonful of cranberry sauce) and recover from the holiday in style!


2021 Cinsaut, Texas High Plains  -

The grape Cinsaut is known for being so light in color that it could almost pass as a rosé, but it has all the warm spice characters of a rich red wine. Make no mistake, this 2021 Texas High Plains Cinsaut is full-flavored and has a bold body that is made for only the most flavorful dishes.


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Cinsaut offers itself as a refreshing counterpoint to incredibly flavorful meats and dishes with heavy spices. This wine is a classic with chili, stews, and fall dishes like chicken and dumplings. On the holiday table, you can pair it with gamey meats such as lamb, and decadent sides like Gruyère mac n' cheese. Mid-meal, this is an important wine to have in the glass, after a more refreshing 'opener'. I call this wine the 'second-helping' wine - reserved for the best parts of the meal that you go back for again and again!

Our recommendation

We recommend this flavorful wine with a citrusy contrasting recipe - Crispy Bass Florentine. The flavors of both the wine and dish will be impactful and full, but the spice notes in the wine will add to the array of lemon, onion, cream, and red pepper notes of a Florentine sauce. A light chill on the wine will help this pairing 'click' into place!


2018 Reserve Mourvèdre, Texas High Plains -


The wines from the 2018 vintage in Texas are at an exceptional mid-point this year. Well-balanced and fruity, but still showing some notes of age, the 2018 Reserve Mourvèdre is ready to shine or to hold for another 5-8 years. Pull out a decanter and spend some quality time with this wine, your friends, and family.


While it is still young, this wine pairs perfectly with sharp cheeses and grilled vegetables. Classic beef dishes, earthy mushrooms (or gravy), and an array of fine cheeses are quite a fine match for this wine. Pull this wine out at the beginning of your meal, pop it into a decanter, and wait until the final quarter of the meal to bring it to the glass. Since cheese is a traditional post-meal course, this is the perfect wine to sip and savor before the pie comes out.

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Our recommendation

We hope that you'll try a recipe for stuffed acorn squash! With baby Bella mushrooms, Italian sausage, thyme, and Fontina cheese, all stuffed into acorn squash and then roasted to perfection. With the blend of savory, mushroom earthiness, and aromatic herbs, this dish may just be the perfect match for this wine. Make sure to decant your Reserve Mourvèdre beforehand, and to season your dish with salt to the point that the wine shines, not the dish!



Happy holidays and thank you for a wonderful year! 🍷




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Pairings and Words by Kelsey Kramer

Director of Education

William Chris Wine SChool



Dave Capote - YouTube


Photography by Dave Capote

Fresh media co.


Shop for your Thanksgiving wines!